This issue of The Chronicle highlights our alumni and students in action throughout North America, Israel, and around the world. We are proud to share their creativity, commitment, and vision for the future with you.
In the Footsteps of 11 Generations of Rabbis
Fighting for Israel’s Future
Charlottesville: Standing Together in Strength
Weathering the Storms / Out of the Ashes
From Culinary Arts to Computers: Jewish Camping Nurtures Identity
From the Pulpit to the Police Force, from the Cantorate to the CIA
Connecting with College Students on Campus
Rescuing a Syrian Refugee Family and Helping Change the World
It Takes Two
Tzedek America: Fostering Jewish Identity and Social Change
The Diplomat and Doctoral Student Building Peace at the UN
Serving God and Country / A Calling within a Calling
The Millennial Challenge
Bringing Healing and Hope
Opening Doors for the Incarcerated
Journey to the “End of the Earth”
“Nu, Rabbi?” Poses Complex Questions
Eight Days, Five Seders
A Vision for HUC-JIR’s Future
New Provost and Director of Libraries
Around Campus
Faculty Highlights
Advancing HUC-JIR’s Mission
College Commons