Rabbi Aaron Panken’s Plenary Address and “We Are HUC-JIR” Video
Rabbi Richard Address ’72, D.Min. ’99
Jewish Sacred Aging
Merri Lovinger Arian, Maya Glasser ’18, Sarah Grabiner ’19, and Alex Kurland ’20
My Soul Shall Sing
Rabbi Ana Bonnheim ’08
Go Down Joseph: Joseph's Descent to Egypt and the Rise of Our Own People
Cantor Ellen Dreskin ’86
Worship that Welcomes: Try This at Home!
Rabbi Reuven Firestone ’82, Ph.D.
Islam and the West: Is There a Clash of Civilizations?
What Does Islam Really Say About Jews and Christians?
Dr. Joshua Holo
Cell Phones as Digital Learning Tools (with Joanne Tolkoff)
Rabbi Samuel K. Joseph ’76, Ph.D.
Consensus Decision-Making: How to Avoid "The Meeting After the Meeting"
Erik Ludwig
Reframing the Leadership Challenge: Moving from Crisis to Opportunity
Betsy Stone, Ph.D.
Teens and Stress - What Congregations Can Offer to Help Teens Flourish
Joanne Tolkoff
Cell Phones as Digital Learning Tools (with Dr. Joshua Holo)
Rabbi Andrea Weiss ’93, Ph.D.
Celebrating Ten Years of The Torah: A Women's Commentary (with Dr. Ruhama Weiss)
Eating Sour Grapes: Innovation in the Bible
Let Justice Roll Down Like Water: Prophetic Roots of Modern Social Action
Taking a Stand (with Dr. Ruhama Weiss)
Dr. Ruhama Weiss
Celebrating Ten Years of The Torah: A Women's Commentary (with Rabbi Andrea Weiss, Ph.D.)
Taking a Stand (with Rabbi Andrea Weiss, Ph.D.)
Yalta: A Voice From the Past