“American Values Religious Voices: 100 Days. 100 Letters.” Campaign Finds a Receptive Audience for Letters from Religious Scholars on American Values
HUC-JIR Faculty Featured in “American Values Religious Voices”
HUC-JIR Convenes Jewish and Christian Liturgists Workshop on “Fasting and Identity” in Jerusalem
American Jewish Archives Receives the Institutional Records of the World's Largest Professional Association of Jewish Studies Scholars
“What Makes Me a Reform Jew?” with Rabbi David Ellenson, Ph.D.
“Playing with Judaism in the Digital Age” with Rabbi Owen Gottlieb, Ph.D.
Upcoming Leadership Events
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The Golden Age of Baroque Music – March 5 in Cincinnati
Opening: “Rembrandt and the Jews: The Berger Print Collection” – March 5 in Cincinnati
Envisioning Esther: The Art and History of Illustrated Esther Scrolls – March 8 in Cincinnati
The Theology of Rabbi Eugene B. Borowitz, Ph.D. – March 16 in New York
Cincinnati Founders’ Day Ceremonies – March 30 in Cincinnati
“Ilu Finu: Bursting with Song” A Concert with HUC-JIR and JTS – March 30 in New York
Save the Date: New York Benefit Gala on May 9
Save the Date: Los Angeles Benefit Gala on May 16