RE-IMAGINE Professional Learning: Task Force Agendas

RE-IMAGINE Professional Learning outlines three sessions for a task force to re-imagine professional learning in alignment with the congregation’s vision and the innovations currently underway. The first of […]

  • 1763

The Five Whys: A Leadership Team Exercise

This exercise uses the fictional example of Congregation Beth Tzuris to explore how leadership teams can uncover ‘root causes’ of recurring problems in congregational systems. The exercise could […]

  • 1248

Leaders’ Actions Make the Difference

In the following pages, each of the seven action items for leaders to make a positive difference in the lives of learners are elaborated on a scale of […]

  • 1273

Express Innovation Team Development—Part I

This handout helps define the functions and frames of a leadership team. Ten team resources are also provided. See also: Express Innovation Team Development—Part II Express Innovation Team […]

  • 1595