The Re-Imagine Guidebook

The RE-IMAGINE Project Guidebook consists of six chapters detailing involvement in the Re-Imagine Project. This guidebook will point the way for the Leadership Team and the Task Force. […]

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RE-IMAGINE Professional Learning: Task Force Agendas

RE-IMAGINE Professional Learning outlines three sessions for a task force to re-imagine professional learning in alignment with the congregation’s vision and the innovations currently underway. The first of […]

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Questions about Innovative Organizations

Innovative congregations, like innovative organizations, do not necessarily have significant resources or charismatic leaders.  But there are other things going on that allow them to innovate.  This handout […]

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Voices of Chairs

This handout holds the words gathered in interviews with Chairpersons who have led the work of RE-IMAGINE in their congregations. Their comments are intended as a springboard for […]

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