Teaching Hebrew in the Congregational School: A Report Commissioned by the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

What is the place of Hebrew in the congregational school? Is Hebrew taught and, if so, is it retained? Aron argues that effective Hebrew instruction, especially in the congregational school, requires utmost clarity about the kind of Hebrew that is taught, about realistic goals to be attained, and about the resources, both human and material, that are necessary for achieving these goals. The report presents four different approaches to teaching Hebrew, each derived from a specific context in which Hebrew is used: the sidur; the State of Israel; the Bible; or valuable conversations / Hebrew literacy. Aron discusses the rationale for each of these approaches, the resources that are available, and the experience of schools which have used them. She also offers examples of how these approaches can be combined, and suggestions on how synagogue, community and national leaders might coordinate efforts to improve the place of Hebrew in congregational schools.


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