Why Change

Addresses motivations for change, and provides a vision of education as it could be. Includes articles, speeches, and other materials.

Text Study: Becoming the Wilderness

This text study explores the text “One who does not make himself like the wilderness, hefker, it is impossible for him to attain wisdom or Torah. Therefore, it […]

  • 666

Text Study: Facing the Costs of Change

This text study includes two texts, Genesis Rabbah 84:5 and Pirkei Avot 5:22, which both address fear and courage.  The questions provided are specifically geared toward RE-IMAGINE task […]

  • 730

Making the Commitment: Exodus 12

This text study includes Exodus 12:1-13 and Rashi’s comment on verse 13.  The passage describes the commandments to keep the holiday of Passover, and the commandment to put […]

  • 967

Sacred Surprise: Jacob’s Dream

This text study includes Genesis 28:10-22 and Rashi’s comment on verse 11.  The passage describes Jacob’s dream during his journey from Beersheva to Haran, in which he sees […]

  • 879

Texts for Connection

This text study includes 5 different texts, mostly modern, that deal with a variety of subjects including communication, making change, inspirational stories, and work-life balance.  The questions provided […]

  • 957