Putting it All Together: Equation for Successful Change

This presentation brings together the many concepts of the Re-Imagine Project. It includes the Re-imagine Roadmap, with the six steps toward launching new models, and it defines the conditions for change: impetus for change; belief that change is possible; a clear vision for the future; practical first steps; and community.

For a slightly different take, see the following two documents:

The Re-Imagine Roadmap: Communication and Text Study, a presentation of the five phases of the Re-Imagine project:

  1. Setting the Stage
  2. Looking Inward
  3. Looking Outward
  4. Looking Inward, Again
  5. Looking Forward

The phases are important steps in preparing both the task force and the congregation for the design and preparation of a new model. Other topics are also addressed, such as the perceived costs of change; how the Re-Imagine process helps create a clear vision; what are the sources of belief that change is possible, and how do you interact with these forces?

Success in the RE-IMAGINE Project: Equation for Successful Change, a presentation and discussion to help further understand how each element of the Re-Imagine Project creates and supports an environment for successful change. There are two main structural frameworks that promote successful change: (1) the six part meeting structure and (2) the roadmap. The presentation addresses questions and possible scenarios in the change process, such as how to create an impetus for change, how to create a clear vision, and how to access and benefit from the sources of belief for change.


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